Natasha Jantjies


Natasha Jantjies

Africa Travel Specialist

More on Natasha

Most Memorable Sighting?

I’ve had some of the most amazing sightings in the Sabi Sands Game Reserve, but by far the most thrilling, was my first leopard kill at Mala Mala Game Reserve. The stalk was lengthy and silent, but the kill was over in a blink of an eye. This played off in complete darkness, with the sky occasionally being lit up from the thunderstorm that played off in the background. This was probably the most dramatic background that we could have asked for and I could not care less that we got completely drenched.

What are your favourite types of trips to plan?

Family trips, as these are often the holidays when a deep connection and passion for Africa is formed in the younger generations. I also love crafting celebratory holidays like honeymoons or birthdays- it’s always special to play a part in a celebration!

What is your favourite indulgence to enjoy at a lodge or hotel?

Indulging in the delicious spread of treats during afternoon tea at a lodge- just before it’s time to get ready for the next spectacular sunset!

What is the one thing you want people to remember about their time in Africa? 

The feeling of rejuvenation that comes from being in the great outdoors.


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