Planning a Tailor-made Safari
How the Process Works

Practically all Cedarberg Africa safaris are individually planned. With imaginative solutions to match your personal interests and budget. You have the freedom to explore at your own pace and choose the safari accommodation that suits you.

Typically, people come to us because they are:

  • Anxious that they might make badly-informed decisions about their safari.
  • Bewildered by the range of options, and frustrated by wasting their precious time trying to make sense of beautiful websites which make every hotel and lodge sound equally amazing.
  • Worried that their “once in a lifetime” trip might not match their expectations because of a bad choice.

These are concerns we hear all the time – but the solutions are unique in every case.

African Adventures

How the Planning Process works

The process varies for each client, but the steps generally look like this:

1) You complete our Enquiry Form, email us or phone us

This starts a conversation, either over the phone, video call or via email.

2) The Chat – tell us what you want

Even if you are still unsure about your plans, we find a quick phone call can help to point you in the right direction.

We’ll chat with you about where you want to go, your accommodation preferences, how active you wish to be, any special interests, how you want to travel around, and what memories you are hoping to bring back from your trip.

We ask a lot of questions.

3) Tailor-made Proposal

Once we’ve spoken (ideally) or exchanged emails, we’ll have a sense of what you are looking for.  

Then we narrow down all the myriad possible options. And we start presenting some ideas, often via a digital itinerary. This is usually within 24 hours.

4) And We Talk Money

At this point we start talking about how much you want to spend.

We know that this is difficult. You don’t know what a safari costs. But it helps us – and you – immensely, as we can at least offer you an itinerary which is in the right ball park.

Want more detail?

 5) Back & Forth Discussion

However, with a tailor-made safari, we don’t always hit the nail right on the head the first time. Hopefully there is enough to have got you excited. But often it generates further ideas. Or you realise that there’s something important which wasn’t mentioned before.

This is where we make some changes to your itinerary until it is just right!

 6) Then Book

Wwhen you are ready to book, you complete our booking form and send a deposit. We firm up the space and you are all set!
More detail…

Up Next: What Next?

Tailor-made Safaris