Booking a Trip

We describe how we get to the final safari itinerary under Planning a Tailor-made safari

People often find that booking a tailor-made safari in Africa is different from booking a weekā€™s skiing. With a ski trip, the price is already advertised and there are only limited options for changes or upgrades. Itā€™s just a question of deciding whether you are going to accept the skiing ā€˜packageā€™ or not.

So how does the process work?

Good question. It varies for each client but it starts with conversations; phone calls, video calls, emailsā€¦

We ask a lot of questions.

When we sense whatā€™s needed, we narrow down the myriad possible options. We start presenting ideas and discuss budget and options. Then we give a fuller proposal and pricing, which can be an iterative process as each trip is tailor-made. There may be switches on the accommodation… Weā€™ll be chatting about possible activities…

When you are ready to book, we firm up the arrangements and you are all set!

Itā€™s a simple but careful experience, which usually takes a week or two to perfect. You are involved as much as you want to be. Some love the research process and we act as their guide and sounding board. Others want to leave things in our hands.

Itā€™s a back and forth enjoyable process. But what happens when you are ready to book?

Discover Africa

Paying the deposit

When you are ready to book, you complete our booking form and send us a deposit

Once you have paid a deposit, we immediately confirm all arrangements for you. Then we send you a booking confirmation detailing inclusions, exclusions and when your account balance is due.

Then you can relax and look forward to your African safari trip, do some background reading and make sure you have a big enough memory card in your cameraā€¦

Amendments & Cancellations

Occasionally you may need to make amendments. If this is small, there is no extra charge. But if you decide to change your whole trip, then there may be supplier cancellation charges. And we may need to charge you for the extra time to book afresh.

Final Payment & Pre-departure Documents

Approximately 9-10 weeks prior to arrival, you pay the final balance.

Once weā€™ve received your final payment, then we send you links to our pre-depature information on each country you are visiting, as well as your personal itinerary.

In Country – Weā€™ve got your back

On arrival, you are contacted by one of our team on the ground to welcome you. We have a duty manager on hand 24/7 to help with any queries or emergencies.

This is rarely needed but sometimes you do have to change your travel plans due to unforeseen circumstances. And, occasionally, flight delays can cause problemsā€¦

They are also on hand to assist with any last minute questions.

Book your African Holiday now