Nduara Loliondo



Quick Look

Highlights of Nduara Loliondo

  • Small and intimate, Nduara Loliondo caters to a maximum of just 12 guests
  • A celebration of Nomadic cultures from Mongolia to Maasai bomas, which appeals to the design-conscious with a sense of fun
  • Emphasis on walking safaris with the local Maasai

Nduara Loliondo is a semi-mobile camp, utilising stunning sites close to the Serengeti and Ngorongoro Park boundaries in Tanzania. The camp moves within the Loliondo Conservancy which encompasses an area of outstanding natural beauty. The habitat is varied with grassy plains, rolling wooded hills, acacia-lined watercourses and dramatic granite kopjes. As the conservancy is adjacent to, but outside the Serengeti National Park, Nduara Loliondo offers the chance to walk and take night game drives. You can get off the roads in search of bird and animal life, and simply to experience the wall-to-wall skies and expansive horizons.

The Camp

Nduara Loliondo has 6 Meru-style tents with a Maasai twist, and two unique canvas yurts provide a comfortable base from which to explore this area. Each tent has an en-suite bathroom, eco-flush safari toilet, bucket shower and washstand. Hot and cold water is available on demand. The yurt is a round tent, designed to be as cool as possible with wrap around shade netting and an open space at the centre of the wagon wheel roof, (capped in times of bad weather). The yurts have plentiful use of bright colours inside - no understated neutral tones here!

Meals are served under the stars or in the dining yurt. There is also a separate library/lounge yurt for relaxing during the day.

Nduara Loliondo Movements

The Loliondo conservancy is part of the Serengeti eco-system and Nduara Loliondo Camp moves seasonally as weather and game dictates. From December to June it is based in the southern area close to Ngorongoro and partners with the Piyaya village. There is plentiful resident game in the area, and the migration normally passes through the area on its way to the Masai Mara from December to April. From mid June to November the camp moves north to partner with the Ololosokwan village with the Masai Mara to the north and Serengeti National Park to the west. (You may see the return of the migration through this area between late October and December.)

Safari Activities

Being outside the park boundaries offers great freedom: walking safaris are a major focus at Nduara Loliondo. Maasai cultural interaction and night drives are also available which means you get an altogether more intense and real feeling of being on safari and a greater sense of wilderness.

You can also upgrade from the shared game drives to take a private car and guide - allowing you greater freedom to explore according to your own rhythm and interests.

Nduara Loliondo on the map


Full board, non-premium drinks, activities, laundry, transfers to nearest airstrip

Family Suitability

Accepts older children

Malaria Rating

Malarial area year-round