Little Governors’ Camp



Quick Look

Little Governors' Camp lies in the game-rich Musiara marshlands of the western Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya. It is centred on a large waterhole that is attracts birds and wildlife. It's reached, rather magically, by a boat  across the Mara river and then by an escorted walk through the  dense riverine forest, so your arrival is an adventure in its own right! The camp is very quiet as there is little vehicle noise.

The camp setting

The setting of Little Governors' Camp is also very romantic, with the seventeen comfortable tents tucked away amongst the trees around the waterhole. There's a resident family of warthogs that wander freely through the camp. From every veranda the view changes constantly as giraffe, elephant, buffalo, hippo and warthog all come to drink and graze. Each spacious tent has polished wooden floors and an en suite bathroom with  flush loo and hot running water for the shower. Outside there's a large wooden veranda where you can sit and enjoy the constant game activity around the  waterhole. There is cell phone reception and WiFi in the camp.

Dining at Little Governors Camp

Breakfast and lunch at Little Governors' Camp are served al fresco, perhaps with the odd elephant strolling past. In the evening a warming log fire burns in front of the bar tent, and a festive dinner is served by candlelight in the nearby dining tent. In keeping with authentic safari tradition, lighting is by gas and kerosene lanterns, or by candlelight but power is available at reception for recharging batteries.


Being so close to the Mara River, game-viewing is excellent at Little Governors'. The camp is surrounded by classic savanna plains dotted by acacia trees, home to large herds of elephant, buffalo and of course the migrating wildebeest and buffalo which arrive and stay between July and October. Such wildlife numbers naturally bring the large cats - this is the area where the Big Cat Diaries were filmed.

Safari Activities at Little Governors

The Camp offers two game drives each day: in the morning and again in the late afternoon. As Little Governors Camp is so close to the Mara River, it is a great place to watch the action during the migration season. Morning game walks are also on offer (outside the national park) and there's a complimentary bird walk around the camp to spot some of the 82 species of the area. Little Governors' Camp is well-positioned for the sunrise hot air ballooning (offered at a supplement). This is a spectacular way of seeing the wildlife of the Mara.

You can combine a stay at Little Governors' with Mfangano Island Camp on Lake Victoria with direct flights connecting the two lodges.

Little Governors’ Camp on the map


Click on the Green Dot to see Room Images


The guest tents at Little Governors' are all tucked into the forest overlooking a waterhole frequented by a myriad of animals. Each one is spacious with an en-suite bathroom, with polished wooden decks and large verandas to enable guests to relax and enjoy the panorama of animals visiting the watering hole in front.

Breakfast and lunch are served in the open air, and the resident family of warthogs frequently wander amongst the tables. Since all Governors' properties are unfenced and in the heart of the Reserve, elephants may also stroll past. In the evening a warming log fire burns in front of the Bar Tent, and dinner is served in the nearby Dining Tent.


Honeymoon suite

Tent 17 or the Honeymoon suite is located at the edge of the camp with wonderful wide views over the waterhole and plains. It has a wild and private feeling. The tent is spacious with an en-suite bathroom, polished wooden deck with large veranda to enable guests to relax and enjoy the panorama of animals visiting the watering hole in front.

Breakfast and lunch are served in the open air, and the resident family of warthogs frequently wander amongst the tables. Since all Governors' properties are unfenced and in the heart of the Reserve, elephants may also stroll past. In the evening a warming log fire burns in front of the Bar Tent, and dinner is served in the nearby Dining Tent.



Airstrip transfers, accommodation, meals, two game drives daily and laundry.


Flights, drinks, Park entrance fees.

Family Suitability

Family-friendly all ages

Malaria Rating

Malarial area year-round
