Jozibanini Camp



Quick Look

Jozibanini Camp is situated in the remote south west of Hwange National Park in a wilderness unused for nearly 20 years; only the wildlife and the Parks rangers who look after it frequent this area, once roamed by San people. This is a small, truly exclusive camp in a truly wild place, providing a unique, untamed wilderness experience.

Ideally we recommend this as a three night add-on for guests from Imveloā€™s other Hwange properties; Bomani, Camelthorn or Nehimba. These special guests will be looking for adventure and the chance to get truly remot. The day-long transfer to Jozibanini will be a ā€˜pump run,ā€™ re-supplying vital waterholes for wildlife en route, providing an opportunity for guests to get involved in the incredible game water supply programme that is unique to Imvelo.

At A Glance

  • Off the beaten track
  • Big 5
  • Beautiful Landscapes
  • Star gazing
  • walking
  • Walking Safari
  • Wildlife

Jozibanini Camp on the map


Click on the Green Dot to see Room Images

Twin Tent

3 x Twin rooms with 2 3/4 bed and an en suite open air bath room with toilet and bucket shower. Jozi ā€˜Star Bedā€™ Experience - all beds are fitted with wheels allowing them to be easily moved onto the tent deck allowing guests to sleep under the stars!

Double tent

2 x Double rooms with 1 double bed and an en suite open air bathroom with toilet and bucket shower. Jozi ā€˜Star Bedā€™ Experience - all beds are fitted with wheels allowing them to be easily moved onto the tent deck allowing guests to sleep under the stars!