Alex Walker’s Serian – Serengeti Mobile Camp



Quick Look

The Serengeti eco-system in Kenya/Tanzania hosts perhaps the greatest concentration of mixed species wildlife, predators & prey in Africa.  Best known for the “Great Migration”, where nearly two million Wildebeest roam the plains. Serian’s Serengeti Mobile – as its name suggests – is a movable camp, and was created to make the most of the spectacular wildebeest migration. From December to May, it is perched on the edge of the short grass plains – a perfect vantage point over the vast space where the herds amass to give birth to their young. Nestled in a well-watered wood, ancient trails weave the migration right through camp.

The camp is perfectly positioned to access the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, as well as the Serengeti National Park – two spectacular game-viewing areas encompassing high concentrations of cheetah, honey badger, golden-backed jackal and hyena, as well as a parade of predators feasting on the newborns.

Dramatic savannah storms sweep in nourishment and new life, and an innate primordial urge pulls the wildebeest to the site of their origins to reproduce. The plains come to life for the birthing season. Millions of wildebeest and zebra dominate the landscape, looking for the fresh green grass that follows the first rains and to give birth to their young.

Over the years world-renowned photographers Frans Lanting, Warren Samuels, Anup & Manoj Shah have fashioned their craft and run photographic workshops from the mobile camps.

Alex Walker’s Serian – Serengeti Mobile Camp on the map


Click on the Green Dot to see Room Images

Traditional Safari Tents

Though it’s a mobile camp, its furnishings and creature comforts are much the same as Serian’s Serengeti North – with flushing toilets and bucket showers in an en suite bathroom, enormous wrought-iron beds, Moroccan rugs, and all the trimmings make it simplistically elegant and comfortable.


Tented Suites

A suite comprises two separate tents joined by a communal living space. With parents in one half and kids in the other, each has their own en suite bathroom – and if needs be, a third child can sleep in the living room. By day, the living room is ideal for lounging and reading, lazy snoozing, playing board games or sorting through the day’s photos… In short, anything that entails spreading out and relaxing in a comfortable space.

