Shu’Mata Camp



Quick Look

The camp is at the foot of the Kilimanjaro in the heart of the Maasai steppe in the South Amboseli region. The safari tents stretch out on a low hill. On all sides the views are magnificent. To the east the savannah blends into the lower slopes of Kilimanjaro. The mountain is close enough so that under a full moon you can sometimes see details of the glaciers on the top against the dark African sky. The savannah surrounding the Shu’Mata hill is home to elephant, herds of common eland, zebra, giraffe, ostrich, gnu, oryx as well as Grant’s and Thompson’s gazelle, according to the season. The region is great for birdwatching. The camp gives you a private Amboseli bush experience as the Shu’Mata Camp is part of a private concession.


Shu'Mata camp pays homage to the old Hemingway style. Five East African safari tents all have their own en suite bathrooms with a flushing toilet and open air shower. Each comfortable tent has traditional beds and storage space for your luggage. The tents are spacious and can be used as a single, double or triple unit. Every tent has its own veranda with classic safari chairs, and at night the lure of an open fire at the foot of Kilimanjaro brings a romantic safari atmosphere.

Main camp

A spacious lounge and dining area form the centre of the camp. Enjoy an open view in all direction with clear sights of Mt. Kilimanjaro, Mt. Meru, Mt. Longido and the nearby Sinya village with its seven sisters (hills). Occasionally, the city lights of Nairobi, which is about 180 km away, can be spotted on the horizon. 

Shu'Mata Camp Activities

Shu’Mata Camp is in the Southern Amboseli at the foot of Kilimanjaro. Here, away from the busy areas of northern Tanzania, is where the elder elephants come to live out their final years, quietly and far away from crowds. Either on foot with Maasai warriors or in open top vehicles, you get within metres of Africa’s largest mammals. You can sense the calm and beauty of these magnificent creatures, sharing their habitat with the Maasai and their cattle in an unspoiled part of Africa. Take an early morning excursion to a Maasai boma in the Sinya Plains, where you have the opportunity to learn more about the Maasai daily life and tradition. Venture into the savannah in the southern Amboseli at the foot of Kilimanjaro, far away from tourists where you may spot zebra, wildebeest, gazelle or even cheetah and lion.

At A Glance

  • Horse-riding

Shu’Mata Camp on the map


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Luxury Tent

Our safari camp is a homage to the old Hemingway style. In the center of the traditional Maasai country of South Amboseli we will experience the romantic sunset ambiance of a region characterized by its huge elephant herds. This is not a national park but archaic tribal country where Africa’s wildlife peacefully coexists with the cattle and goats of the Maasai. A surviving remnant of the African paradise!
Seven comfortable safari tents all equipped with their own ensuite bathrooms with flushing toilet and open air shower with running water. Each tent has traditional beds and storage space.

Each tent has its own veranda with classical safari chairs.
At night guest are lured by an open fire at the main tent to experience a romantic safari atmosphere and tales of adventure.